The following text box contains the html, javascript and css code necessary for a motorcycle or small engine technician to create a basic business website, and have an online presence. The webpage does not have all the bells and whistles found on larger websites, but I think it is a clean, and in my opinion, a professional looking webpage that will allow the technician's business to be found online. The webpage is styled to be easily viewed on both PC screens and mobile devices. All website photo's, icons and content were created by, and can be freely used by anyone. The person using the code only needs to change the title of the webpage, business name, phone number and email address, and the webpage is ready to use. All photo's and icons are hosted online at photobucket, and will not change or delete the photo's or icon's, so the user can leave the photo's and icon's the way they are and not worry about having them deleted or changed. Click here to view the example webpage