You know, I don't think I would allow a stranger of this size into my car either. Lyft and Uber drivers, as far as I know, use their own vehicles and are responsible for vehicle cleaning, repair and maintenance. This woman must weigh close to 500 pounds, and anyone this size will struggle when bathing themselves, and we all know exercise or physical struggle is something she avoids. I'm willing to bet there was body odor underneath the perfume and deodorant the night she was refused service. Not to mention the stress her body weight puts on the car seat frame and fabric. At some point personal responsibility must be a factor in situations like this and protect those providing the service. If government, or Uber and Lyft want drivers to take everyone who requests a ride, then let them provide the vehicle. Let them pay for vehicle cleaning, repair and maintenance.
Everyone wants higher quality service at a cheaper price, but the two don't mix well. For decades we had taxi services that used their own vehicles with hired drivers, but nobody wants to pay the higher fees, so now we have Lyft and Uber for the most part. It's a system where the company makes money and the customers benefit from lower fees, but the vehicle owners and drivers get screwed. So no, I don't blame the driver for turning down this lady and protecting his business. Maybe they should come up with a rule? If can't squeeze into the seat without your hips hitting the car door, car body or back of the seat, then the driver has a right to refuse service.