Author Topic: Third World Immigration Brings With It Crime And Disorder  (Read 1091 times)


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Third World Immigration Brings With It Crime And Disorder
« on: August 29, 2024, 04:56:45 PM »
I know for a fact bicycle theft is a problem in England, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for France. The first video shows a French guy who can't believe his eyes when he visits Poland and see's a line of bicycles parked outside, and not a single lock is used to secure a bicycle. The second video shows an African living in London doing his best to break the locks used to secure a bicycle to a bike rack.

Unrelated to bicycle theft, but equally important, are the next three videos. The third video shows immigrant gangs fighting each other in an area that was once family friendly before German rulers decided to 'enrich' Germany with third world immigration. The fourth video shows a Venezuelan gang using a rifle and hand guns and the threat of violence to take over an apartment complex in Colorado, USA. The fifth video shows more footage of the disorder caused in Colorado by Venezuelan gangs.

All four countries mentioned: America, England, France and Germany have enriched their societies with 3rd world immigration and are now suffering the consequences. Thanks to cell phones, evidence of what's really happening in these countries is easily found online. 'Enrich' your Western country with third world immigration and watch it turn to sh*t on X in almost real time.   

« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 05:02:18 PM by adminjoe »
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