Author Topic: Boston Mayor "no whites allowed" Christmas party  (Read 2251 times)


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Boston Mayor "no whites allowed" Christmas party
« on: December 13, 2023, 11:54:52 PM »
I wonder if this will become normal? 20 years ago you never saw anything like this, but today you can practice racial discrimination against traditional Americans without much blow back. I guess discrimination has been happening to Americans for years through laws like affirmative action, but now its happening at parties. The Mayor's assistant, Denise DosSantos, made a mistake sending party invite emails to councilmen with the wrong skin color. Mayor Michelle Wu later apologized to these people for sending them an invite, but never apologized for excluding them from the party. Her excuse for the party was "We celebrate all kinds of connection and identity and culture and heritage in the city."

If segregation becomes acceptable, then it will eventually work both ways. I can just see Mayor Wu and her administration having a meltdown when they're excluded from a future whites only Christmas party. Our excuse will be "we don't want people here who hate us." Life was more tranquil in America before it became multi cultural and multi ethnic, but here we are: American society now riddled with hatred and division.

One reason for discrimination being normalized is hatred for tradition Americans is taught and spread in American schools. Here are two college professors on X recently criticizing traditional Americans. You can rest assured their biases are carried into the classroom. In fact, I bet their hatred for traditional America and their skin color was a requirement for the job.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2023, 06:26:21 PM by adminjoe »
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