Author Topic: The Guy Who Mocked Jesus Christ During The Olympic Ceremony  (Read 1883 times)


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The person responsible for creating the "Last Supper" scene using lesbians, homosexuals and transgenders to mock Jesus Christ during the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics is Thomas Jolly, a homosexual guy. His public reason for doing this is:

“In France, people are free to love how they please, are free to love whoever they want, are free to believe or not believe.”

He wraps his sexual perversion in 'love' and freedom, and implies discrimination. What a surprise, always the victim. Why would any society ever want to protect the majority from people like this?

His opening ceremony had nothing to do with 'love,' and everything to do with his hatred for Christianity or traditional morality or practical reason, unfortunately. He is not 'free.' He is a slave to his perversion. They never attack Judaism or Islam; it's always Christianity. It's always darkness attacking light.

Online companies like YouTube are on the defense deleting videos of the event to protect one of their own, Thomas Jolly, and their twisted values.

How can you live peacefully with people like this when the left allows them to mock your religion on a world stage, but a driver in Washington state is charged with a felony for putting skid marks on their idiotic LGBT flag painted on a public street? Where is the peace? There never was any peace. We've allowed lunatics to take control of the western world.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 11:11:37 PM by adminjoe »
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.