Author Topic: Sad reality of the American Government  (Read 2043 times)


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Sad reality of the American Government
« on: May 22, 2024, 04:15:14 PM »
Corruption is everywhere! Politicians from both parties using the same talking points to protect Netanyahu, and what Israel has done to innocent Palestinians. These politicians completely ignore the large number of dead, innocent people in Gaza from American bombs and munitions given to Israel. These politicians are not allowed to, or don't want to recognize the slaughter happening in Gaza.

Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism, and I support that right, but this has gone way beyond self defense. You can't justify killing over 10,000 innocent women and children as self defense. It only makes sense if Israel is trying to annihilate Palestinians.

Compare the American government concerted outcry to protect Netanyahu to their silence to protect American citizen, Gonzala Lira, who was arrested, trapped, tortured and later died in a Ukraine prison because they didn't like what Lira said online. Yup, no lobby group to help Gonzala Lira, so nobody cared about an American life in Ukraine.

Is the only time you will ever see a Democrat oppose anything International or Global is when it threatens Israels interests? Would Democrats support securing America's border if Israel wanted it done?

Netanyahu threatening the prosecutor of the ICC, who brought charges against Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 08:06:49 PM by adminjoe »
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