Author Topic: Interesting video shows America controlled by foreign interests  (Read 2029 times)


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Watch this video to the end, and pay attention to how foreign interests controlled the response of American politicians regarding Israels attack on the USS Liberty ship in 1967. Has this control over America gotten worse? Consider these current events:

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas can't talk about anything other than his support for Israel on his twitter page, which he is free to do, but he is in the Senate to serve the interests of America, particularly the people in the state of Arkansas. I scrolled through his page and failed to see a single tweet regarding issues in Arkansas. Tom Cotton has received close to $300,000 so far from the pro Israel lobbyist group AIPAC. Another politician is Representative Mike Johnson, who shocked everyone when he went against his word and joined forces with Joe Biden to help pass a spending bill rewarding Ukraine with $60,000,000,000 and Israel with $26,000,000,000 for their 'war' with Hamas. Johnson had promised to use this spending bill as leverage to negotiate money to secure America's southern border, but there isn't a single penny in this bill for this. It's another opportunity to help America that's been wasted. It's another example by an American politician who achieves nothing for the American people. Johnson has received more than $500,000 from Israel lobbyist group AIPAC.

Another American politician, Representative Thomas Massie, was attacked by AIPAC when they spent $300,000 on ads to attack his reelection for doing the right thing and voting against Representative Mike Johnson. See X post below. This is an example of AIPAC using it's power to punish a politician, and let every other politician know if you oppose the interests of AIPAC they will attack you.

How can American politicians do what's in America's best interest when their career is so heavily supported and influenced by lobbyist groups who seem to be more loyal to a foreign nation than America? The only time I have ever seen the overall majority of politicians come together in unity was right after 9/11, and when the issue at hand involves Israel. Every other time they're bickering and fighting with one another.

It's not a sin for Americans to put America's interests before Israel, in fact, it's what God expects. Anything else is corruption, and will only lead to more anger and hatred.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 04:07:56 PM by adminjoe »
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.